RSC Applied Interfacesに論文受理

D3の山中さんが筆頭著者、M1の伊藤さんが共著者として執筆した論文“Particle Arrangement Control and Mechanical Robustness Enhancement of Structurally Coloured Photonic Balls Composed of SiO2 Particles for Environmentally Benign Inorganic Colourants”がRSC Applied Interfaces誌に受理されました。

The paper entitled “Particle Arrangement Control and Mechanical Robustness Enhancement of Structurally Coloured Photonic Balls Composed of SiO2 Particles for Environmentally Benign Inorganic Colourants” prepared by Mr. Yamanaka (PhD student) and Ms. Itoh (graduate student) have been accepted in RSC Applied Interfaces.